
Welcome to the Power Systems Control and Automation Laboratory (PSCAL) at Georgia Tech! We are a research group with the state-of-the-art laboratories located in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering on the campus of Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. Our labs are equipped with numerous modern equipment such as digital relays, merging units, high-performing computers, and digital fault recorders!

We are conducting research on setting-less protection methods utilizing recent technologies of merging units and GPS-synchronized measurements. We are applying quadratized approach for high fidelity analysis, stability and control of integrated systems consisting of the power grid, and power electronics interfaced distributed generation and renewables. We are leading field demonstration projects on different utilities such as USVI-WAPA, NYPA, Southern Company, and PG&E.

We are always looking for opportunities to establish a working relationship. Prospective students can apply through the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate program.